Message From Our Team Leader​

Dear Talend IT clients,

We are a Digital Service Provider committed to providing you with the best possible service and support.

We understand that you rely on us to help you achieve your business goals, and we take that responsibility very seriously. We are constantly innovating and improving our services to ensure that we are meeting your needs and expectations.

I am particularly proud of the way that we have supported our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have worked closely with our clients to help them adapt to the changing business landscape, and we have helped them to implement new technologies and solutions to keep their businesses running smoothly.

I am confident that Talend IT can continue to be a valuable partner to you in the years to come. We have a deep understanding of your industry, and we are committed to helping you succeed.

Thank you again for your business and trust. I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

CEO & Co-Founder Of talend IT

Rest of The Team

Mr. Kabir

Mr. Kabir

Project Manager

Mr. Abid

Mr. Abid

Software Engineer

Mr. Shuvo

Mr. Shuvo

Software Engineer

Mr. Siam

Mr. Siam

SEO Engineer

Mr. Mihaj

Mr. Mihaj

Video Editor

Mr. Touhid

Mr. Touhid

Digital Marketing Executive

Mr. Shawrav

Mr. Shawrav

Web Designer

Mr. Parvez

Mr. Parvez

Web Designer

Mr. Arif

Mr. Arif

Software Engineer

Unlock your digital potential with our all-in-one IT farm. From web app dev to data engineering, SEO, video editing, graphic design, and content writing, we’re your trusted partners in driving online success. Let’s innovate together!